As a child I would excitedly share in my Grandmothers creative past times and loved nothing more than watching with amazement as she produced materials and tools for us to use from the plethora of carefully organised and labelled boxes. I'm sure my appreciation for aesthetically appealing storage solutions originates here! I distinctly remember the wonderment I felt each time a box was opened and I would marvel at the art and craft accoutrements revealed. I still look back on those times with fondness and am glad that despite my then somewhat heavy handed approach my dear Nan created this creative space in my life.
One of my greatest pleasures now is to create bespoke illustrations with the simplicity of black ink drawings and incorporating beach finds into these designs. I take inspiration from my love of the coast, botanical art and the uniqueness of hand drawn one off pieces.
Encourage and inspire in others a love and appreciation for creativity in pursuit of happiness and positive mental health.